Monday, December 31, 2012

0 2012 - The Year that Was

2012. What a year you have been. Many believed that you will bring about the end of the world. For a time, I believed that my world actually ended. Not literally, but emotionally. 2012 brought the end of the only love that I fought so hard to keep. I did many stupid things that I wont be proud of ever. In the end all effort was in vain. Well, not entirely. The ordeal made me stronger. It made me appreciate and value myself more. That if ever I love again, I should save some for myself so that if ever things would not work out, I would still have something left to move forward with. That the transition wouldnt be as difficult. What I went through this year was the lowest that my heart had ever felt. It started out great but towards the third quarter, all hell broke loose. Still, no choice but to move forward. The very fact that I'm still here and surviving and making the most of my life proves that no matter what comes my way, I can conquer them and I will come out victorious. of course, I wont be able to accomplish it without God's grace.

2012. The year that strengthened my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I'm proud to say that I had established my personal relationship with Him. Though I am not perfect, He loves me just as I am. No conditions. Though I am not worthy, He sent His only son to redeem me from my sins. He doesn't need perfection because nobody is perfect. Accepting Him as our Lord and savior and surrendering our life to Him is all that He needs. Without my victory family and friends, I would still be a drifter. Who knows what could've happened. I'm really thankful that I had been with the best crowd during those tough times.

2012. My career had been great. I got promoted, conquered things I didn't know I can and somehow contented with my current project ( more like I had no choice but to accept it though. Lol :) ) Anyway, It's just a matter of perspective. 2012 closed with a possibility of many new opportunities waiting to be taken. I know whatever path I chose, I just have to put my heart in it and everything will come out for the better.

2012. The year that I get to value my friends more. The year that I begin to share my life to girlfriends. This is a first since I was always the type who keeps everything to herself. It was always me and the boyfriend. This year, I had been more outgoing. If I had known that sharing your life to others would feel this good, I would've done this before. Oh well, its not yet too late. 23 is still young. :) 2012 had been friendship awareness year :))

2012. I had strengthened my relationship with my family and made me value them more. I got to bond with my sister more and somehow was able to establish a normal relationship. After so many years! Lol! During our growing up years, we always have this cat-mouse relationship so this year was definitely an achievement.

2012. On a personal note, everything that happened made me who I am now. I became more mature. It made me realize that I'm not a child anymore. Time to face reality and claim this stage of my life with flying colors. 10, 20, 30 years from now, when I look back at this stage, I would want to look back, smile and say to myself that no matter what happened, good or bad, I had faced every challenges head-on. No shortcuts. No easy way out and that I had conquered it the best possible, Godly and morally acceptable way. Though I will eternally have my childish ways ( yes it will always be a part of me. That, I'm sure. It is who I am. ) I know I will handle everything gracefully.

All in all, 2012 was the best and the worst year for me. First quarter started out great. Second quarter was a bit rocky but was still good. Third quarter, all hell broke loose. Last quarter was shitty but somehow it became bearable. Thank you for the lessons, memories and crazy stuffs. Everything molded me and made me who I am today.

Looking forward to an awesome 2013..

Happy New Year!!


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